After changing some settings on the DX6i full throttle fork pitch and roll I managed to trim the rest of the road with the small buttons on the controller.
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Specification: Input: 4-8 channel PPM signal Model: FS-SM0 support: USB HID 1 1 specification wet suit : FS-T6 FS-T4 FS-T9 FS-T6 FS-T6B FS-T4B FS-GT3 FS-GT3B FS-GT2 Remote Control Cable Length: 1.. 5m Net Weight: 87g Total Weight: 97g 1 x USB Cable Simulator 2 x Adapter cable This cable was found on eBay the description is expressly RM185 but also says it is incompatible with Windows 7: Seems stupid I can not just r emapiere inputs that work.. It seems that my Turnigy 9x my Mac and FPV freeriders are a little sensitive to this whole operation and it took me a week to find the trick thanks I think this makes it more versatile with the ability to work with more software and thus a greater chance of success with the simulator software.. The controller is compatible with simulator programs such as: FPV Freerider AeroFly PhoenixRC 2.

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